216th ECS Meeting

岩井 洋 A roadmap for nano-CMOS
角嶋 邦之 Overwhelming the 0.5 nm EOT Level for CMOS Gate Dielectric
Milan Kumar Bera Electrical Properties of Lanthanum-scandate Gate Dielectric Directly Deposited on Ge
Maimaitirexiati Maimaiti Remote Coulomb Scattering Limited Mobility in MOSFET with CeO2/ La2O3 Gate Stacks
新井 英朗 Annealing Reaction for Ni Silicidation of Si Nanowire
船水 清永 Electrical Characteristics of HfO2 and La2O3 Gate Dielectrics for In0.53Ga0.47As MOS Structure
中山 寛人 Electrical Characteristics of La2O3 gated MOS Capacitors with Different Wafer Orientation
小柳 友常 Impact of Alkali Earth Elements Incorporation on Electrical Characteristics of La2O3 Gated MOS Device