218th ECS Meeting

Milam Kumar Bera Electrical Properties of Yttrium-Titanium Oxide High-k Gate Dielectric on Ge
Maimaitirexiati Maimaiti Effect of Remote-Surface-Roughness Scattering on Electron Mobility in MOSFETs with High-k Dielectrics
小柳 友常 Impact of Alkali-Earth-Elements Incorporation on Vfb Roll-Off Characteristics of La2O3 Gated MOS Device
茂森 直登 Suppression of Lateral Encroachment of Ni Silicide into Si Nanowires using Nitrogen Incorporation
呉 研 Observation of tunneling FET operation in MOSFET with NiSi/Si Schottky source/channel interface
来山 大祐 TiN Capping Effect on High Temperature Annealed RE-Oxide Devices for Scaled EOT