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Introduction/Iwai Lab/Tokyo Institute of Technology

- Introduction

to Japanese version

Iwai Laboratory

Frontier Collaborative Research Center, Tokyo Institute of Technology

In our Laboratory, we research and develop the device technology of IC(Integrated Circuit) based on silicone. Especially we research for minimizing the size of elements , and investigate a limit of IC capacity. Moreover, we introduce a new material to the silicone IC, and apply to RF communication circuit of CMOS, and so on.

It has been about 30 years since 1k bit DRAM of Intel, which is considered as the first device of LSI (Large Scale Integrated circuit) , was manufactured. In the meantime, LSI has been developed very rapidly and come to be used for all products as central parts which calculate in advanced level, and control operation and information.

The latest mobile telephone, mobile PC, and Internet, which have been spread explosively recently, owe to the realization of lightweight, small, and low power consumption. It is highly expected that this technology will make more rapid progress, and products equipped human being's intellect and sensitibity will realize in the near future.

We have to advance the technology in order that everybody can enjoy the high standard of living equally, under shortage of labor force and elderly care service, coming the aging society in the future. Anyway, we need to develop the devices with higher capacity than present ones for the technology. We consider it is vital to continue to develop LSI in hardware in the next dozens of years.

LSI development has depended on element reduction in LSI centering on transistor. Now it comes to be important problem where the limit can be set to reduce the transistor element. Supposing the contemporary development speed, gate length will be 30nm in a year 2005, and in the middle of this century, the gate length will be 0.3nm (3Å). The length is equivalent to that of interval of the atom in silicone crystal. This length is considered as an ultimate limit to form a transistor using the atom. However, it is so doubtful whether a transistor with such a tiny gate can operate, thus the gate length is supposed to be longer than 0.3nm, considering the economical factor.

It is necessary to study what kind of technology we shold develop to develop LSI more in both of hardware and software, estimating the limit of tiny element of CMOS LSI. Considering it, we plan to study a feature of tiny silicone transistor, investigate the minimizing limit, and break the limit--e.g. by using new material such as a gate film with high induced current rate, or improving structure.) In addition, we plan to research for new material in order to break the limit, and for appliance of the high frequency communication circuit of CMOS as new applicable field.